



Aprons, Jewels, and other objects associated with the officers.


Aprons and Jewels worn by the officers. And Tools used by the officers.

Collection Items

Jewel of the Worshipful Master
The Worshipful Master is the leader of the lodge, he presides over the meetings and gives orders and instructions to the craft.

Jewel of the Senior Warden
The Senior Warden assists the Master,symbolically pays the craft wages, and sees that non go away dissatisfied.

Jewel of the Junior Warden
The Junior Warden takes care of the Craft, he takes care of the food at meetings and events, and is the direct line of communication to the craft.

Jewel of the Treasurer
The Treasurer receives the money from the secretary and pays it out at the "will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master".

Jewel of the Secretary
The Secretary records the proceedings of all meetings, receives communications from outside of the lodge, and hands off money received to the Treasurer.

Jewel of the Senior Deacon
The Senior Deacon is the direct messenger for the Master, he also conducts candidates, and accommodates visitors.

Jewel of the Junior Deacon
The Junior Deacon is the messenger for the Senior Warden and communicates with the Tyler who is outside of the lodge.

Jewel of the Marshal
The Marshall is often times an honorary position and his duty is to conduct the brethren during processions.

Jewel of the Stewards
The Stewards are the aids of the Junior Warden, they assist with preparations of food and candidates.

Jewel of the Tyler
The Tyler is the guard of the lodge, it is his duty to keep all those not allowed in the lodge out.
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